LACrimAtty - Armand Degas and Franklin de Dios; same character, different names.
Son Slater -you gotta be kiddin right
Could be argued many of Mr. L’s creations are similar enough to sameness. Many of the women not takin’ shit from anyone. Protagonists flawed, many criminals, some more than others.
Even the plots, tropes twisting things back and around, good guys always surviving, somehow, if not getting exactly what they want.
Yeah, Mr. L has his formula, for the most part, something he followed, refined, when he took to crime writing. The same, yet not the same.
What makes Pagan Babies and The Hunted my favorites (Tishomingo Blues right up there, too): Davis gets what he wants, in a way, the money. But he’s unable to save Rosen. Dunn gets nothing, though, winds up back in the jungle, we’re not sure he’s too happy about it, too. But look at his noble act at the beginning, what he would have been if his scheme with Dewey had worked, Dewey connected to the mob always, whether her comic career burns or dies.
And then you have the Webster books. How about Cuba Libre?
Same character, different names? Same tropes?
No, man, not really.